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Nursery to bedroom

From Nursery to Child’s bedroom

Moving your little one from a nursery to a bedroom is an exciting change. The key feature of this move is that your child will make the transition from the cot to a bed. It can be a big step for everyone involved. It is a milestone that with a little planning and organisation can be a positive change for everyone.

Age appropriate

Your little one will make the move from a cot to a bed in their bedroom at a time that is right for you and your family. Some move to a cot as early as eighteen months, while other little ones stay in their cot until they are almost four. The arrival of a new sibling is a common reason that your little one makes the shift from a cot to a bed and it is important to do this well in advance of the new baby’s arrival. This will help to make it less stressful for all involved.

Other common reasons for making the transition are that your little one may start toilet training at night-time or they may start ‘escaping’ from their cot. Whatever the reason you decide to move them to a bed, make sure you talk it though with them and explain how exciting it is that they are moving to a big bed and help them see the change in their bedroom as being a positive one.

Slow changes

When you are introducing a new bed for your little one, you can involve them in the change in a variety of ways. You might like to get them involved in choosing some new bed linen for their “Big Bed’ or helping choose some new decals for the wall in their bedroom.

It is sensible to try and keep the new bed in the same place as their cot was located so that the change is not overwhelming. If they have a favourite toy or comfort object, make sure to place it on the bed so your little one knows that they are surrounded by familiar things during a time of change.

It’s sensible to avoid bunk beds until your little one is in the upper years at primary school. Choose a bed that will be safe for your little one. For peace of mind you may like to install a guard-rail round the side of the bed to prevent them rolling out.

If you are planning a complete re-decoration of their nursery to make it into a bedroom, it is practical to stagger the changes over a period of time so that your child isn’t overwhelmed.

Be positive

You will set the tone when you child makes the move from a nursery to a bedroom. Focus on the positives for them and involve them in the process. Maintain the routine you usually have at night-time with your child. Every child is different so if your little one struggles with the changes that is fine. They will outgrow their need for the cot eventually and make the transition to a bed at their own pace.

Practical considerations.

You may find you need to alter the layout and design of your child’s bedroom as they grow, as well as adding new pieces of furniture such as a bookshelf or a desk when they get closer to school age. Consider how much space you will need for these items. Some forward planning will ensure your child’s bedroom grows and adapts as they do.

Remember your child will find that some items have outlived their usefulness as they transition from nursery to bedroom. However, you will often find the following items very usual new additions as they grow.

Toy Box

This is a great item for storing toys after the end of each play-time. It’s a good habit to encourage your child to get into from early on.

Book Shelf

This is a practical way to store favourite books. It also means that by being on public display your little one is more likely to embrace the habit of reading time with you.

Play Corner

This will usually be dictated by the amount of space you have in the bedroom. If your child has started to drop their midday nap, you can use this space to encourage some ‘quiet play’ during the middle of the day using this corner of their room.

Bag Hook

If your child has started kindergarten or day care, then a hook on the back of the bedroom door makes it much easier for them to store their bag when not in use.

Shoe Rack

Depending on the space in your child’s room, a shoe rack is an excellent way to store their shoes neatly and save any mess being tracked through the house when not in use.
